Berita Terkini
Tuesday 24 February 2009

Ciliwung Basin Flood


Undergraduate Theses from JBPTITBGD / 2005-05-12 11:52:15

Oleh : LA ODE MUHAMMAD GOLOK JAYA, Jurusan Tehnik Geodesi FTSP-ITB
Dibuat : 2003.

The research was aimed to analyse flood susceptibility using some of spatial data. Food susceptibility can be predicted by modeling the runoff. The case study of this research is Ciliwung Basin flood. Some of spatial data such as land use, stream pattern texture, topographic condition, soil type and precipitation are the part of secure factors to predict the flood which occasionally penetrate Jakarta.
Tie prediction of flood in a certain precipitation can be done using HEC-1 model as an it terface of Watershed Modelling System (WMS) software. By comparing with the stream capacity, the runoff flow can be calculated.
The result of this research shows us that the flood will occure in 80 mm/day precipitation or more with the runoff volume range between 1,8 million m3 up to 13 million m3 a day. The flood potential area is shown by the Map of Flood Susceptibility Area in DKI Jakarta.

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