Tahun 2010, Pengerukan 13 Sungai di Jakarta Senin, 5 Mei 2008 | 01:16 WIB Jakarta, Kompas - Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta menargetkan akan...
Regional Variations in Radiative Forcing
“The 2005 National Research Council report concluded that: “regional variations in radiative forcing may have important regional and global ...
ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE IN INDONESIA The State Department and the U.S. Trade Representative have negotiated with the Indonesian Ministries...
APLIKASI SOFT COMPUTING PADA PREDIKSI CURAH HUJAN DI KALIMANTAN Oleh : Deni Septiadi NIM : 22406002 Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. Bayong Tj H K Pro...
Space Weather Prediction Center moves the solar cycle goalpost again
Space Weather Prediction Center moves the solar cycle goalpost again 25-02-2009 Mike Ronanye writes: SWPC has just made a change in their so...
Global Warming ???
Over 650 Scientists Challenge Global Warming "Consensus" Twelve times more than those that put their names to the IPCC report St...
Ciliwung Basin Flood
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTITBGD / 2005-05-12 11:52:15 Oleh : LA ODE MUHAMMAD GOLOK JAYA, Jurusan Tehnik Geodesi FTSP-ITB Dibuat : 2003. ...
PENGGUNAAN MODEL ANFIS UNTUK PREDIKSI IKLIM DI PERMUKAAN LAUT Master Theses from JBPTITBGEOPH / 2004-01-09 14:12:52 Oleh : Rosyid, Program_i...
SOLAR ACTIVITY A DOMINANT FACTOR IN CLIMATE DYNAMICS by Dr Theodor Landscheidt Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity ...
SOLAR ACTIVITY A DOMINANT FACTOR IN CLIMATE DYNAMICS by Dr Theodor Landscheidt Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity ...
Climate Change in Indonesia
Climate change in Indonesia means millions of fishermen are also facing harsher weather conditions, while dwindling fish stocks affect their...
Earthquake Precursor
The new paper in Science reports that the 1994 earthquake near the equator in the Romanche Transform in the mid-Atlantic ridge-transform sys...
Mekanisme Prekursor Gempa Bumi di Ionosfer (3)
Mekanisme Prekursor Gempa Bumi di Ionosfer Buldan Muslim Lapan, Bandung 3.Model Gravitasi-Akustik Atmosfer Model gravitasi-akustik atmosfer ...
Mekanisme Prekursor Gempa Bumi di Ionosfer (2)
Mekanisme Prekursor Gempa Bumi di Ionosfer Buldan Muslim Lapan, Bandung 2. Model Modifikasi Medan Listrik Atmosfer Model modifikasi medan li...
Mekanisme Prekursor Gempa Bumi di Ionosfer (1)
Mekanisme Prekursor Gempa Bumi di Ionosfer Buldan Muslim Lapan, Bandung Sampai saat ini model-model yang digunakan untuk menerangkan mekani...
LOW LATITUDE IONOSPHERIC MODELING OVER INDONESIA FROM GPS DATA By Buldan Muslim NIM : 35104002 Promotor : Prof. Dr. Ir. Hasanuddin Zaenal Ab...
Appearance of solar activity signals in Indian Ocean
Appearance of solar activity signals in Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) phenomena and monsoon climate pattern over Indonesia Jalu Tejo Nugroho¤ Na...
How are solar variations represented in the climate models?
How are solar variations represented in the models? This varies a lot because of uncertainties in the past record and complexities in the re...
Cuaca Antariksa
Lapan, Bandung Cuaca antariksa menggambarkan kondisi di antariksa yang meliputi kondisi pada matahari, angin surya, magnetosfer, ionosfer, d...
2012: No Killer Solar Flare
2012: No Killer Solar Flare Written by Ian O'Neill Could a solar flare destroy the Earth in 2012? We could be in for a huge firework dis...
The Positions of Jupiter and Saturn in 2012 Influence the Impact of CME
by Dan Eden for ViewZone But nature is never perfect. The Sun rotates at a slight angle (7.25 degrees), much as our Earth does. As it wobble...
Predictability of Climate Models
Climateprediction.net 27,000 runs have successfully completed and returned results to climateprediction.net! The global mean temperatures pr...
Global Warming And The Next Ice Age
Meeting Summary “Global Warming And The Next Ice Age” By Dubey Et Al 2008 Filed under: Climate Science Meetings — Roger Pielke Sr. @ 7:00 am...
Rain pattern reassuring, but flood risk remains
Rain pattern reassuring, but flood risk remains The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Thu, 01/18/2007 3:21 PM | Jakarta Adianto P. Simamora, Th...
Coronal Mass Ejections
A coronal mass ejection and prominence eruption observed in white light from the SMM (Solar Maximum Mission) spacecraft. The time of each pa...
Pager Satellite Failure and Space Environment
Pager Satellite Failure May Have Been Related to Disturbed Space Environment A period of particularly bad "space weather" may ...
Warming Will Worsen Water Wars
Warming Will Worsen Water Wars Very good article in the Washington Post lays out the problem we face. “Global warming will intensify drought...
Terrestrial Effect of Solar Activity
Weather/Climate Model and Weather Modification in Indonesia and Terrestrial Effect of Solar Activity The Houw Liong, Faculty of Mathematics ...
Japan Possible EQ cloud
Off coast NE of Japan Possible EQ cloud Here you can see a Possible EQ cloud over off coast Northeast of Japan, Result: Possible EQ with mag...
Antisipasi Bencana Perubahan Iklim
Rabu, 28 Januari 2009 | 23:18 WIB JAKARTA, RABU — Indonesia menjalin kerja sama dengan Japan for International Cooperation Agency (JICA) dal...
Akibat Pemanasan Global menurut IPCC
Akibat meningkatnya pemanasan global antara lain : . Sebelas dari dua belas tahun terakhir merupakan tahun-tahun terhangat dalam temperatur ...
Perubahan Iklim Dunia
Kuliah Umum Perubahan Iklim Dunia Jika tidak ada tindakan yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi gas rumah kaca, maka dunia di tahun 2050 akan meng...
Chaotic Nature of Cilmate Models
Lorenz next constructed a simulacrum of climate in a simple mathematical model with some feedbacks, and ran it repeatedly through a computer...
Akibat Urbanisasi di Indonesia
Perkembangan urbanisasi di Indonesia perlu dicermati karena dengan adanya urbanisasi ini, kecepatan pertumbuhan perkotaan dan pedesaan menja...
Earthquake Clouds
Earthquake Clouds a reliable precursor Zhonghao Shou Published in Science and Utopya 64, page 53~57, October 1999 (in Turkish) On August 17,...
Prediksi dengan Metode ANFIS
Sinar Harapan Jumat, 13 Februari 2009 Prediksi dengan Metode ANFIS Hujan Terus Mengguyur sampai 2007 Oleh Merry Magdalena JAKARTA - Hujan de...
Pengembangan dan Validasi Model Iklim
Pengembangan dan Validasi Model Iklim Bambang Siswanto1), Zadrach L. Dupe2), Yanto Sugianto3), dan Yunus Swarinoto4) 1)Pusat Pemanfaatan Sai...