Prediksi puncak tinggi muka air sungai Sunter pada tahun 2009 juga akan terjadi pada bulan Februari. The peak water level of Sunter River in...
Membuang Limbah ke Sungai Ciliwung
Kompas, Selasa, 08 April 2003 Yang banyak membuat kali kotor ternyata adalah perusahaan-perusahaan besar, yaitu perusahaan trem listrik dan ...
Mechanisms of Extreme Climate in Pontianak and Jayapura Regions
Mechanisms of Extreme Climate in Pontianak and Jayapura Regions Plato M.Siregar1) and The Houw Liong2) 1) Science Atmosphere Division, Facul...
Evaluasi Prediksi Banjir Sungai Ciliwung dengan ANFIS
Prediksi dan Peringatan Dini Banjir
Kompas, Rabu, 21 Januari 2009 | 01:55 WIB Oleh YUNI IKAWATI Sistem ANFIS Selain Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakart...
Adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system used a feed forward network to search for fuzzy decision rules that perform well on a given ta...
Prediksi banjir dengan ANFIS
Jaringan Neural Artifisial (Artificial Neural Network) dan Logika Samar (Fuzzy Logic) atau ANFIS untuk Prediksi dan Pengenalan Pola. The Hou...
Clues to End of the Last Ice Age
by Terah U. DeJong Lead author Lowell Stott, a professor of earth sciences at USC College In contrast to what is often inferred from the geo...
Solusi Banjir Jakarta
Kompas, 3 Februari 2007 Solusi di hulu harus berkesinambungan, antara pembatasan penggunaan lahan, reboisasi intensif, dan pembangunan bendu...
The accuracy of climate models predictions
1.According to E. Lorenz a chaotic system cannot be predicted accurately because the result of prediction is very sensitive to initial condi...
Correlation between cosmic rays and temperature of the stratosphere
What did surprise the scientists, however, were the intermittent and sudden increases observed in the levels of muons during the winter mont...
Reklamasi Pantura memperparah Banjir di Jakarta ?
Reklamasi Pantura Memperparah Banjir di Jakarta... Firdaus Cahyadi Hampir secara berturut-turut harian ini menurunkan berita terkait proyek ...
Increasing Atmospheric CO2: Manmade…or Natural?
January 21st, 2009 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. In fact, it turns out that these large year-to-year fluctuations in the rate of atmospheric acc...
Simulation of Convective Cloud Rainfall in Jakarta-Indonesia
Simulation of Convective Cloud Rainfall in Jakarta Using Regional Weather Model Rahmat Gernowo Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, ...
Regional Weather/Climate Models and Weather Modification in Indonesia
Regional Weather/Climate Models and Weather Modification in Indonesia and Terrestrial Effect of Solar Activity The Houw Liong2), Plato M.Sir...
Floods in Jakarta
West Java is known as the land of two seasons, the rainy season which lasts from November to May and the dry season which lasts from June to...
Natural Forcing vs. Antrophogenic CO2
While all the researchers agreed with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) statement that "warming of the climate syste...
Climate Change & Natural Process
Dr. Happer views climate change as a predominately natural process. "The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There i...
Bencana tahun 2012 Berdasarkan Prediksi Siklus Matahari ke 24 oleh NASA (Prediction of Solar Cycle 24 by NASA)
Siklus matahari ke 24 yang puncaknya adalah 2012, diperkirakan akan terjadinya CME yang dahsyat sehingga menimbulkan gangguan pada sistem pe...
Regional Weather/Climate Models in Indonesia
Regional Weather/Climate Models in Indonesia Plato M. Siregar 1) Deni Septiadi 2) The Houw Liong 3) 1) Science Atmosphere Division, Faculty ...
The contribution of CO2 to climate change
Renowned climatologist Roger Pielke, Sr. has used IPCC's estimates of climate forcing to calculate the contribution of CO2 to recent cli...
System Dynamics of Ciliwung River
The Houw Liong To estimate runoff we have to consider: a. Debit of ciliwung at Depok can be calculated using rating curve as follows : debi...
Contribution of Cosmic Ray Flux to Warming
On climate response to changes in the cosmic ray flux and radiative budget Nir J. Shaviv Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Je...
Konsentrasi CO2 ( CO2 levels)
Konsentrasi CO2 juga menurun, apakah ada mekanisme alam yang menyebabkan penurunan ini ? Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an important greenhouse gas...
Anomali Temperatur Global (Global temperature anomaly)
Anomali temperatur global tahun 2007 bukanlah yang tertinggi. Apakah berarti kecendrungan memanas sudah mulai menurun ? The time series show...
Curah hujan puncak di Jakarta pada tahun 2009--Prediksi Banjir Jakarta tahun 2009
Curah hujan puncak untuk Jakarta juga diprediksi dengan ANFIS akan terjadi pada bulan Februari sehingga kemungkinan besar banjir terjadi mul...
Prediksi Banjir Sungai Ciliwung tahun 2009
Menurut ANFIS dengan memakai deret waktu tinggi muka air rata-rata bulanan berdasarkan data di pos Depok, maka puncak tinggi muka air rata-r...
Solar Activity and Climate
Space weather may also in the long term affect the Earth's climate. Solar ultra-violet, visible and heat radiation are the primary facto...
Pemeliharaan Lingkungan dan Pengurangan Polusi
Manusia akan menghadapi krisis berat jika tidak mampu memelihara lingkungan hidupnya , menghemat sumber alam dan mengurangi polusi. Kontribu...
Long Period Climate Change
Milankovitch cycles are the collective effect of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate, named after Serbian civil engineer a...
Scientists Predict Big Sunspot Cycle Coming
Solar scientists said Monday the next sunspot cycle could be 30 percent to 50 percent stronger than the last one, and it could begin up to a...
Chaotic Dynamics
The system sensitivity to initial conditions means that each point in such a system is arbitrarily closely approximated by other points with...
Chaos and Predictability of Weather/Climate Models
The accuracy of predictions of climate/weather models for long range predictions are poor because the atmosphere and ocean system are easily...
Ice Age vs Cosmic Ray Flux
The Milky Way Galaxy's Spiral Arms and Ice-Age Epochs and the Cosmic Ray Connection By Nir J. Shaviv The main result of this research, i...
Pulau Jawa akan krisis dalam waktu dekat ?
Gejala yang kita lihat sekarang di pulau Jawa selalu banyak daerah banjir pada musim hujan, tetapi kekurangan air pada musim kering dan inte...
Penanggulangan Banjir Jakarta
Penanggulangan banjir Jakarta ada yang memakai cara mahal yaitu membangun banjir kanal timur dan membangun terowongan untuk menyimpan air (p...
Climate Model in Indonesia
CLIMATE MODEL Climate model can be constructed by using the law of physics for the atmosphere i.e.: The Navier-Stokes equation, the conserva...
Climate Model Based on Sunspot Number
CLIMATE MODEL BASED ON SUNSPOT NUMBER/SOLAR ACTIVITY The galactic cosmic rays collide with air molecules in the upper atmosphere and produc...
Prediksi Jangka Panjang Banjir Besar Jakarta
Berdasarkan analisis deret waktu sunspot, curah hujan Jabodetabek, tinggi muka air sungai Ciliwung dan Pasanggrahan dengan ANFIS, dapat disi...
Analisis Prediksi Banjir Sungai Ciliwung
Sains, Filsafat Sains dan Teknologi Analisis Prediksi Banjir DAS Ciliwung Model prediksi banjir dengan metode Jaringan Saraf Tiruan dan log...
Sistem Peringatan Dini sungai Ciliwung
Sistem Peringatan Dini Banjir Sungai Ciliwung The Houw Liong1) R.Gernowo2) P.M Siregar2) Heru Widodo3) 1) FMIPA, ITB 2) FITB, ITB 3) TMC, B...
Climate Model Based on Solar Activity
Sains, Filsafat Sains dan Teknologi CLIMATE MODEL BASED ON SOLAR ACTIVITY The galactic cosmic rays collide with air molecules in the upper ...
Numerical Climate Model
Sains, Filsafat Sains dan Teknologi NUMERICAL CLIMATE MODEL Climate model can be constructed by using the law of physics for the atmosphere...
Climate Model in Indonesian Region
Sains, Filsafat Sains dan Teknologi Climate in Indonesian Regions and Weather Modification The Houw Liong2), Plato M.Siregar1), Heru Widodo3...
Global Cooling ?
Sains, Filsafat Sains dan Teknologi Increase twice the size of Germany: "colder weather" to blame. Data from the National Snow an...